Full price list
The entire price list of MorphoLogic products can be downloaded in Excel format.
Software localisation
The nature of software localisation does not allow fixed prices, since every project is unique. The price may be influenced by the target language, the deadline, the amount and the technical format. We assess customer requirements free of charge and without any obligation. Please contact Gábor Bessenyei.
Developer modules
Our developer modules are sold according to individual agreements, therefore there are no fixed prices. If you are interested in such a module, please write to Zsolt Sebestyén.
Corporate translation support
Apart from selling separate self-developed language tools, through the MetaMorpho Business package MorphoLogic also offers new, cost-effective services and integrated solutions to large and midsize businesses where the processing and interpretation of news, technical documents and company documentation in English by decision makers and employees is an essential part of the business culture determining the success of the enterprise. The MetaMorpho Business package best suiting your company's needs is compiled after consultations. Please contact László Tihanyi.
License fees
If you have questions about license fees (when purchasing a multi-user license), please contact Zsolt Sebestyén.